Efficient Health Screening: Real-Time Schedule Optimization
Research Article. Yu-Hsun Lee, Tzu-Wei Chen, Yu-Lin Shih, Chung-Hao Li, and Matthew M. Lin. Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. Accepted at 2023 Dec.Web-based visualization framework on FreeFEM
Research Article. Yu-Hsun Lee, Fujiwara Hiroshi. Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Methods in Engineering, vol. 21.
Demo: https://freefem.andylee.twImprovement of Sensitivity of Pooling Strategies for COVID-19
Research Article. Hong-Bin Chen, Jun-Yi Guo, Yu-Chen Shu, Yu-Hsun Lee, Fei-Huang Chang. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2021. Group Testing Visualization.
Demo: Arithmetic of Biot-Savart Integrals for Reconnections of Vortex Filaments
Conference paper. Lee YH., Fujiwara H. (2021) In: Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021. ICCSA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12953. Springer, Cham.
Doctor Thesis (2021), GPU Computing Aiming at Vortex Filament Evolution
Master Thesis (2018), Mathematical Modeling and Computational Issues of Dengue Epidemic
NCKU Mathematics Department Library Website萬人布豐投針實驗–即時回報系統
The Taiwan Day of Mathematics 2021 - Buffon’s Needles Experiment Realtime Report Website.TWSIAM 2020 年會資訊系統
TWSIAM 2020 Annual Meeting Information System簡報彈幕系統
Online PowerPoint Danmaku System踏溯台南路線選擇系統
NCKU Exploring Tainan Course Selection System